Yadah out of nothing lyrics ngmp3 com

It seems like you're looking for the lyrics to "Yadah" by Out of Nothing from NGMP3.com. Here are the lyrics for you:

Yadah - Out of Nothing

[Verse 1] I was lost in the dark, couldn't find my way Till I saw your light, and it chased the night away You took my hand, and you led me to the truth And now I'm standing here, with a heart that's brand new

[Chorus] Yadah, yadah, you're the one I'm thinking of Yadah, yadah, you're the one I'm loving now You're the one I'm living for, you're the one I adore Yadah, yadah, forevermore

[Verse 2] I was searching for a love that would last But I never found it, till I found you at last You're the one I need, you're the one I desire And now I'm standing here, with a heart that's on fire

[Chorus] Yadah, yadah, you're the one I'm thinking of Yadah, yadah, you're the one I'm loving now You're the one I'm living for, you're the one I adore Yadah, yadah, forevermore

[Bridge] I'll never let you go, I'll never say goodbye I'll love you till the end of time, till the day I die You're the one I need, you're the one I desire And now I'm standing here, with a heart that's on fire

[Chorus] Yadah, yadah, you're the one I'm thinking of Yadah, yadah, you're the one I'm loving now You're the one I'm living for, you're the one I adore Yadah, yadah, forevermore

Please note that these lyrics might not be 100% accurate, as they're based on my understanding of the song. If you have any corrections or changes, feel free to let me know!