Android studio new camera class

Android Studio provides a new camera class called which is part of the Android Camera API. This class provides a simple and easy-to-use interface for accessing the camera hardware and capturing images or videos.

Here are the steps to use the new camera class in Android Studio:

  1. Add the Android Camera API to your project:

In your build.gradle file, add the following dependency:

dependencies {
    implementation ''
  1. Create a new camera instance:

In your activity or fragment, create a new instance of the Camera class:


// Create a new camera instance
Camera camera = Camera.create(Camera.CameraSelector.DEFAULT_BACK_CAMERA);
  1. Set up the camera:

You can set up the camera by calling various methods on the Camera instance, such as:

For example:

camera.setPreviewSize(640, 480);
  1. Start the camera:

Call the start() method on the Camera instance to start the camera:

  1. Capture images or videos:

You can capture images or videos by calling the takePicture() or startRecording() methods on the Camera instance, respectively:

// Capture a photo
camera.takePicture(new Camera.CaptureCallback() {
    public void onCaptureCompleted(Camera camera, ImageProxy image) {
        // Process the captured image

// Start recording a video
camera.startRecording(new Camera.RecordingCallback() {
    public void onRecordingStarted(Camera camera) {
        // Start recording

    public void onRecordingStopped(Camera camera) {
        // Stop recording
  1. Stop the camera:

Call the stop() method on the Camera instance to stop the camera:


Note that the Camera class is part of the Android Camera API, which is a separate API from the traditional Android Camera API. The new camera class provides a more streamlined and easy-to-use interface for accessing the camera hardware, but it may not provide all the features and functionality of the traditional Android Camera API.