Android o new future

Android O, also known as Android 8.0, is the eighth major version of the Android operating system. It was released in August 2017 and brought several new features and improvements to the platform. Here are some of the key features and changes that Android O introduced:

New Features:

  1. Picture-in-Picture (PiP) mode: Android O introduced a new PiP mode that allows users to watch videos or use apps in a small window while still using other apps.
  2. Notification Channels: Android O introduced a new notification system that allows users to categorize and manage notifications from different apps.
  3. Background Limits: Android O introduced new limits on background processing to help improve battery life and performance.
  4. Autofill: Android O introduced a new autofill feature that allows users to save and fill in login credentials and other information.
  5. Improved Security: Android O included several security improvements, including better protection against malware and improved encryption.


  1. New Default Font: Android O introduced a new default font, called Noto, which is designed to be more readable and accessible.
  2. Improved Performance: Android O included several performance improvements, including better battery life and faster app launching.
  3. New Emojis: Android O included a new set of emojis that are designed to be more diverse and inclusive.
  4. Improved Multitasking: Android O included several improvements to multitasking, including the ability to use multiple apps at the same time.
  5. New Settings App: Android O introduced a new settings app that is designed to be more intuitive and easier to use.

Future of Android O:

Android O is no longer the latest version of the Android operating system, as Android 9.0 (Pie) and Android 10 (Q) have been released. However, Android O is still supported by many devices and is expected to continue to receive security updates and other maintenance releases for the foreseeable future.

In terms of the future of Android O, it's likely that the operating system will continue to evolve and improve over time, with new features and updates being added to keep it competitive with other mobile operating systems. However, it's also possible that Android O will eventually be replaced by a newer version of the operating system, such as Android 11 or Android 12.


Android O was a significant update to the Android operating system, introducing several new features and improvements that enhanced the user experience. While it's no longer the latest version of Android, it's still a popular and widely-used operating system that will continue to receive support and updates in the future.