Gatsby new

The classic gatsby new command!

gatsby new is a command-line tool that helps you create a new Gatsby project from scratch. When you run gatsby new, you'll be prompted to choose a template for your new project. Gatsby provides several built-in templates to get you started, including:

  1. blank: A minimalistic template with just the essentials.
  2. blog: A template for building a blog with Gatsby.
  3. starter: A template with a basic setup for a Gatsby project, including a src directory and a package.json file.
  4. typescript: A template that uses TypeScript instead of JavaScript.

Here's an example of how you can use gatsby new:

gatsby new my-gatsby-project

This will create a new directory called my-gatsby-project with the chosen template. You can then navigate into the directory and start building your Gatsby project.

Some additional options you can pass to gatsby new include:

For more information, you can run gatsby new --help to see the available options and usage instructions.