Android 6.0 marshmallow 10 new features

Android 6.0 Marshmallow was released in 2015 and brought several new features to the Android ecosystem. Here are 10 of the most notable ones:

  1. Google Now on Tap: This feature allows users to access Google Now information by long-pressing the home button and then tapping on a part of the screen. This provides quick access to information about the content being displayed, such as a song playing or a news article.
  2. Doze Mode: Doze Mode is a power-saving feature that puts devices in a low-power state when they're not being used. This helps extend battery life by reducing CPU usage and network activity.
  3. Google Play Protect: Google Play Protect is a security feature that scans apps for malware and other security threats. It also provides a list of apps that have been flagged as suspicious.
  4. App Permissions: Android 6.0 introduced a new permission system that requires apps to ask for permission to access certain features, such as location, camera, or microphone. This helps users better understand what data an app is collecting and how it's being used.
  5. Google Chrome Custom Tabs: Custom Tabs allow apps to open Chrome within their own UI, providing a seamless browsing experience. This feature is useful for apps that need to provide a web-based interface, such as email clients or social media apps.
  6. Android Pay: Android Pay is a mobile payment system that allows users to make payments using their devices. It's similar to Apple Pay and supports a wide range of payment methods, including credit cards and loyalty cards.
  7. Google Photos: Google Photos is a photo and video storage app that provides unlimited storage for photos and videos up to 16 megapixels and 1080p resolution, respectively. It also includes features like automatic photo organization and editing tools.
  8. Android 6.0's New Emoji: Android 6.0 introduced a new set of emojis that are more diverse and inclusive. The new emojis include more options for skin tones, as well as emojis for objects like food, animals, and symbols.
  9. Improved Battery Life: Android 6.0 includes several features that help improve battery life, including Doze Mode, which puts devices in a low-power state when they're not being used, and a new battery-saving mode that limits background data usage.
  10. Google's New Material Design: Android 6.0 introduced a new design language called Material Design, which provides a consistent look and feel across all Android devices. Material Design includes features like animations, shadows, and typography that help create a more visually appealing user interface.

These are just a few of the many new features and improvements that were included in Android 6.0 Marshmallow.