Former un chief javier perez de cuellar dead at 100

I'm sorry to hear that. Javier Pérez de Cuéllar, the former Secretary-General of the United Nations, has indeed passed away at the age of 100.

Pérez de Cuéllar served as the UN Secretary-General from 1982 to 1991, during a tumultuous period in world history. He was the first Latin American to hold the position and played a key role in resolving several major conflicts, including the Iran-Iraq War and the Namibian independence negotiations.

Throughout his career, Pérez de Cuéllar was known for his diplomatic skills, his ability to build bridges between nations, and his commitment to promoting peace and stability. He was also a strong advocate for human rights and social justice.

Pérez de Cuéllar's legacy is a testament to his dedication to public service and his unwavering commitment to the values of the United Nations. He will be remembered as a champion of peace, diplomacy, and international cooperation.

Rest in peace, Javier Pérez de Cuéllar.