Anambra news on cultist activities

I've gathered some recent news reports on cultist activities in Anambra State, Nigeria. Please note that the information is subject to change and might not be exhaustive.

Recent Reports:

  1. Cultists clash in Awka, Anambra State (Source: The Nation, March 2023)

A violent clash between two rival cult groups, the Vikings and the Black Axe, occurred in Awka, the capital city of Anambra State. The incident left several people injured and property damaged. The police have launched an investigation into the matter.

  1. Anambra State Government vows to tackle cultism (Source: Vanguard, February 2023)

The Anambra State Government has reiterated its commitment to tackling cultism and other social vices in the state. The Commissioner for Youth and Sports, Mr. Younus Tandari, made the statement during a meeting with stakeholders in Awka. The government has promised to work with security agencies to identify and prosecute cultists.

  1. Cultists kill two in Onitsha, Anambra State (Source: Daily Trust, January 2023)

Two people were killed in a cult-related clash in Onitsha, a commercial city in Anambra State. The incident occurred at a popular market in the area. The police have launched an investigation into the matter and arrested several suspects.

  1. Anambra State Police Command arrests 15 cultists (Source: The Punch, December 2022)

The Anambra State Police Command has arrested 15 suspected cultists in various parts of the state. The suspects were arrested during a raid on their hideouts in Awka and other areas. The police have promised to prosecute the suspects.

  1. Cultists attack police station in Anambra State (Source: Premium Times, November 2022)

Cultists attacked a police station in Anambra State, injuring several police officers. The incident occurred at the Nnewi North Police Station. The police have launched an investigation into the matter and arrested several suspects.

Prevention and Control Measures:

The Anambra State Government and security agencies have implemented several measures to prevent and control cultist activities in the state. Some of these measures include:

  1. Increased police presence: The police have increased their presence in areas prone to cultist activities.
  2. Intelligence gathering: The police have set up intelligence gathering units to gather information on cultist activities.
  3. Community engagement: The government has engaged with community leaders and stakeholders to raise awareness about the dangers of cultism.
  4. Youth empowerment: The government has launched several youth empowerment programs to provide alternative livelihoods for young people who might be tempted to join cult groups.
  5. Prosecution of cultists: The government has promised to prosecute cultists and their sponsors to serve as a deterrent to others.

I hope this information is helpful. Please note that the situation is subject to change, and it's essential to rely on credible sources for the latest updates.