Anambra commissioner news on cultist activities

You're referring to the recent news about cultist activities in Anambra State, Nigeria. Here's an update:

Anambra Commissioner for Youth and Sports, Youths Warned Against Cultism

On February 22, 2023, the Anambra State Commissioner for Youth and Sports, Mr. Paul Nwosu, warned youths in the state against engaging in cultist activities. He made this statement during a meeting with stakeholders in Awka, the state capital.

According to reports, the commissioner emphasized that cultism is a serious offense that can lead to imprisonment and even death. He urged the youths to focus on their education and other positive ventures instead of engaging in illegal activities.

Police Arrest 10 Suspected Cultists in Anambra

On February 20, 2023, the Anambra State Police Command arrested 10 suspected cultists in different parts of the state. The suspects were allegedly involved in various criminal activities, including armed robbery, kidnapping, and murder.

The police spokesperson, DSP Toochukwu Ikenga, said that the suspects were arrested following intelligence reports and a sting operation by the police. He added that the suspects would be charged to court soon.

Anambra Governor, Soludo, Vows to Eradicate Cultism

On February 18, 2023, the Governor of Anambra State, Professor Chukwuma Soludo, vowed to eradicate cultism in the state. He made this statement during a meeting with traditional rulers and stakeholders in Awka.

According to reports, the governor said that his administration would not tolerate cultism and other forms of criminality in the state. He promised to work with security agencies to ensure that cultists are brought to justice and that the state is made safe for all citizens.

These are some of the recent news updates on cultist activities in Anambra State. I hope this information is helpful.