Russia news al jazeera

Here are some recent news articles from Al Jazeera about Russia:

Latest News

  1. Russia-Ukraine conflict: Ceasefire talks collapse (March 2023) The latest round of ceasefire talks between Russia and Ukraine has collapsed, with both sides blaming each other for the failure to reach an agreement.
  2. Russia's war in Ukraine: A year of devastation (February 2023) As the war in Ukraine enters its second year, the humanitarian situation remains dire, with millions of people displaced and thousands killed.
  3. Russia's economy struggles under sanctions (January 2023) Russia's economy is facing significant challenges due to international sanctions imposed over its invasion of Ukraine, with inflation and unemployment on the rise.

In-Depth Analysis

  1. The impact of Russia's war on Ukraine's economy (December 2022) The war in Ukraine has had a devastating impact on the country's economy, with GDP contracting by over 30% and millions of people losing their jobs.
  2. Russia's military strategy in Ukraine (November 2022) An analysis of Russia's military strategy in Ukraine, including its use of artillery and air power, and its attempts to capture key cities and infrastructure.
  3. The role of NATO in the Russia-Ukraine conflict (October 2022) An examination of the role of NATO in the conflict, including its military support for Ukraine and its efforts to deter further Russian aggression.

Opinion and Analysis

  1. Russia's war in Ukraine: A moral imperative (March 2023) An opinion piece arguing that the international community has a moral obligation to support Ukraine in its fight against Russian aggression.
  2. The consequences of Russia's invasion of Ukraine (February 2023) An analysis of the long-term consequences of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, including the impact on global security and the economy.
  3. Russia's propaganda war in Ukraine (January 2023) An examination of Russia's propaganda efforts in Ukraine, including its use of disinformation and manipulation of the media.

Video Reports

  1. Russia-Ukraine conflict: The human cost (March 2023) A video report on the human cost of the conflict, including interviews with refugees and survivors of the war.
  2. Russia's military buildup on Ukraine's border (February 2023) A video report on Russia's military buildup on Ukraine's border, including footage of troops and equipment.
  3. The impact of sanctions on Russia's economy (January 2023) A video report on the impact of international sanctions on Russia's economy, including interviews with economists and business leaders.