Amnesty niger delta new boss recent speech

I'm assuming you're referring to the recent speech by the new Chairman of the Amnesty Programme in the Niger Delta region, Major General Barry Ndiomu (rtd).

On August 24, 2022, Major General Barry Ndiomu (rtd) took over as the new Chairman of the Niger Delta Amnesty Programme, succeeding Professor Charles Quaker Dokubo. As part of his inaugural speech, he addressed various issues affecting the region and the programme.

Here are some key points from his speech:

  1. Commitment to the programme: Ndiomu reiterated his commitment to the Niger Delta Amnesty Programme, emphasizing his desire to build on the achievements of his predecessors and ensure the continued success of the programme.
  2. Peace and stability: He emphasized the importance of peace and stability in the Niger Delta region, stating that the programme would continue to work towards promoting peaceful coexistence among communities and reducing violence.
  3. Economic empowerment: Ndiomu highlighted the need to empower the people of the Niger Delta region economically, through skills acquisition, entrepreneurship, and job creation. He emphasized the importance of creating opportunities for the youth to engage in productive activities.
  4. Infrastructure development: He mentioned the need to develop infrastructure in the region, including roads, bridges, and healthcare facilities, to improve the quality of life for the people.
  5. Corruption: Ndiomu condemned corruption, stating that it was a major obstacle to the development of the region. He promised to work towards eradicating corruption within the programme and ensuring transparency and accountability.
  6. Community engagement: He emphasized the importance of engaging with communities and listening to their concerns, promising to work closely with stakeholders to address their needs and improve the lives of the people.
  7. Youth involvement: Ndiomu highlighted the importance of involving the youth in the programme, stating that they were the future leaders of the region and would play a crucial role in shaping its development.

Overall, Major General Barry Ndiomu's inaugural speech as the new Chairman of the Niger Delta Amnesty Programme emphasized his commitment to promoting peace, economic empowerment, and infrastructure development in the region, while also condemning corruption and promising to engage with communities and involve the youth in the programme.