Amapiano mix 2022_afro raboday 2022_raboday 2022_video dance_dj kezo beat _

It seems like you're looking for an Amapiano mix from 2022, specifically from Afro Raboday 2022, with a focus on Raboday 2022, and you're interested in a video dance mix by DJ Kezo Beat.

Here's a possible solution:

You can search for "Amapiano Mix 2022" or "Afro Raboday 2022" on YouTube or other music streaming platforms. This should give you a list of popular Amapiano mixes from 2022, including ones from Afro Raboday 2022.

To narrow down your search, you can add additional keywords like "Raboday 2022" or "DJ Kezo Beat" to get more specific results.

Here are a few possible search queries you can try:

You can also try searching for "Amapiano Mix 2022" or "Afro Raboday 2022" on music streaming platforms like Spotify, Apple Music, or Deezer. These platforms often have pre-curated playlists and radio stations that feature popular Amapiano tracks from 2022.

I hope this helps you find the Amapiano mix you're looking for!