All new moons 2015

Here are the dates of all the new moons in 2015:

  1. January 20, 2015 (New Moon)
  2. February 18, 2015 (New Moon)
  3. March 20, 2015 (New Moon)
  4. April 18, 2015 (New Moon)
  5. May 17, 2015 (New Moon)
  6. June 16, 2015 (New Moon)
  7. July 15, 2015 (New Moon)
  8. August 14, 2015 (New Moon)
  9. September 13, 2015 (New Moon)
  10. October 12, 2015 (New Moon)
  11. November 11, 2015 (New Moon)
  12. December 11, 2015 (New Moon)

Note: All times are in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) and are based on astronomical calculations.