Akeel new born baby boy doll

Congratulations on your new baby boy doll, Akeel!

Here's a description of your new baby boy doll:

Name: Akeel Age: Newborn (0-3 months) Gender: Boy Weight: Approximately 4-5 pounds (1.8-2.3 kg) Length: Approximately 20-22 inches (51-56 cm) Hair: Soft, dark brown hair that's easy to style Eyes: Bright, expressive blue eyes that seem to sparkle with curiosity Skin: Smooth, soft, and gentle to the touch, with a warm, golden undertone Clothing: A soft, white onesie with a tiny pair of blue pants and a matching hat


Care and Maintenance:

Tips and Tricks:

I hope this helps you get started with your new baby boy doll, Akeel!