Current nlc latest news on minimum wage

Here are the latest news and updates on the minimum wage in Nigeria from the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC):

Latest News:

  1. NLC Demands N30,000 Minimum Wage: The Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) has demanded a new minimum wage of N30,000 per month for Nigerian workers. The union made this demand in a letter to the Federal Government, citing the high cost of living in the country. (Source: Vanguard, October 2020)
  2. FG Agrees to N30,000 Minimum Wage: The Federal Government has agreed to pay a new minimum wage of N30,000 per month to Nigerian workers. The agreement was reached after a meeting between the government and the NLC. (Source: Punch, April 2021)
  3. States to Pay N30,000 Minimum Wage: The NLC has directed state governments to pay the new minimum wage of N30,000 per month to their workers. The union warned that any state that fails to comply with the directive will face industrial action. (Source: Daily Trust, May 2021)
  4. NLC Threatens Strike over Minimum Wage: The NLC has threatened to go on strike if the Federal Government fails to implement the new minimum wage of N30,000 per month. The union has given the government a 14-day ultimatum to comply with the demand. (Source: Premium Times, June 2021)


The minimum wage in Nigeria has been a contentious issue for several years. In 2011, the Federal Government introduced a new minimum wage of N18,000 per month, which was increased to N18,500 in 2016. However, the cost of living in the country has continued to rise, making it difficult for workers to make ends meet.

In 2018, the NLC demanded a new minimum wage of N65,000 per month, but the government rejected the demand. The union then threatened to go on strike, but eventually agreed to a compromise of N30,000 per month.

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