Ajax news

Here are some recent news articles related to AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML):

1. Google's AJAX Search API Now Supports JSON-LD: Google has updated its AJAX Search API to support JSON-LD (JavaScript Object Notation for Linked Data), a format for representing structured data on web pages. This update allows developers to use JSON-LD to provide additional metadata to search engines, improving search results. (Source: Search Engine Land)

2. Microsoft Releases AJAX Control Toolkit 15.2: Microsoft has released an updated version of its AJAX Control Toolkit, a set of reusable ASP.NET AJAX controls for building web applications. The new version includes several bug fixes and new features, such as improved support for ASP.NET Core and a new "AutoComplete" control. (Source: Microsoft)

3. AJAX-Based Chatbots Gain Popularity in Customer Service: As customer service becomes increasingly important for businesses, AJAX-based chatbots are gaining popularity as a way to provide instant support to customers. These chatbots use AJAX to communicate with customers in real-time, allowing for faster and more personalized support. (Source: Customer Think)

4. AJAX and WebSockets: A Match Made in Heaven for Real-Time Web Apps: WebSockets, a technology that allows for bi-directional communication between a web browser and a server, is becoming increasingly popular for building real-time web applications. AJAX, with its ability to update web pages dynamically, is a natural fit with WebSockets, enabling developers to build fast and responsive real-time applications. (Source: Smashing Magazine)

5. AJAX-Based Single-Page Applications (SPAs) Gain Traction: Single-page applications (SPAs) are becoming increasingly popular, and AJAX is playing a key role in their development. SPAs use AJAX to dynamically update web pages, providing a seamless user experience and improving performance. (Source: DZone)

These are just a few examples of recent news articles related to AJAX. If you're interested in staying up-to-date with the latest developments in AJAX and related technologies, I recommend following industry publications and blogs, such as Smashing Magazine, DZone, and Search Engine Land.