Ajax appends prevoius request to new one

The frustrating issue of AJAX requests appending to each other!

This can happen when you're making multiple AJAX requests in quick succession, and the browser is still processing the previous request. Here are a few reasons why this might occur:

  1. Asynchronous requests: AJAX requests are asynchronous, which means that the browser doesn't wait for the previous request to complete before sending the next one. This can lead to requests being sent in rapid succession, causing the previous response to be appended to the new request.
  2. Request buffering: Some browsers, like Chrome, have a request buffering mechanism that allows them to queue up multiple requests and send them in batches. This can cause requests to be appended to each other if the browser is still processing the previous batch.
  3. Server-side issues: If your server is slow to respond or has issues handling multiple requests concurrently, it can cause requests to be appended to each other.

To mitigate this issue, you can try the following:

  1. Use a delay between requests: Add a small delay (e.g., 100-200ms) between making consecutive AJAX requests to give the browser time to process the previous request.
  2. Use a request queue: Implement a request queue on the client-side (e.g., using a library like jQuery's ajaxQueue plugin) to manage multiple requests and prevent them from being sent too quickly.
  3. Use a caching mechanism: Implement a caching mechanism on the server-side to reduce the load and prevent requests from being appended to each other.
  4. Use a more efficient request mechanism: Consider using a more efficient request mechanism, such as WebSockets or Server-Sent Events, which can provide real-time updates without the need for multiple AJAX requests.
  5. Check browser compatibility: Ensure that your solution is compatible with different browsers, as some browsers may have different behaviors when it comes to handling multiple AJAX requests.

If you're using a JavaScript library like jQuery, you can also try using the $.ajaxSetup() method to configure the request settings, such as setting a timeout or using a request queue.

For example:

  timeout: 2000, // 2-second timeout
  queue: true // enable request queueing

I hope these suggestions help you resolve the issue of AJAX requests appending to each other!