Faq why are the version numbers not in any particular periodic sequence

A question that gets to the heart of the mysterious world of version numbers!

Why are version numbers not in any particular periodic sequence?

There are several reasons why version numbers may not follow a predictable or periodic sequence:

  1. Lack of standardization: There is no single, universally accepted standard for version numbering. Different organizations, projects, or products may use different version numbering schemes, which can lead to a lack of consistency and predictability.
  2. Ad-hoc development: In some cases, version numbers may be assigned based on the needs of the project or product at a particular time. This can result in version numbers that don't follow a predictable pattern.
  3. Multiple branches or releases: Large projects or products may have multiple branches or releases, each with its own version numbering scheme. This can lead to a complex and non-predictable version numbering system.
  4. Error correction: Version numbers may be incremented to reflect bug fixes or error corrections, which can disrupt the expected sequence.
  5. Rebranding or rearchitecture: When a product or project undergoes significant changes, such as a rebranding or rearchitecture, the version numbering scheme may be reset or changed, leading to a non-predictable sequence.
  6. Lack of version control: In some cases, version numbers may not be tracked or managed properly, leading to inconsistencies and unpredictability.
  7. Human error: Version numbers can be assigned by humans, and humans are prone to making mistakes. This can result in version numbers that don't follow a predictable pattern.
  8. Versioning schemes: Some versioning schemes, such as semantic versioning (SemVer), are designed to be flexible and adaptable, which can lead to non-predictable version numbers.
  9. Release cycles: Version numbers may be tied to release cycles, which can be irregular or unpredictable.
  10. Historical context: Version numbers may be influenced by historical events, such as changes in project scope, team composition, or technology stack, which can affect the predictability of the version numbering scheme.

These factors can contribute to the lack of predictability in version numbers, making it challenging to anticipate the next version number in a sequence.