Aisha buhari current news

As the First Lady of Nigeria, Aisha Buhari is often in the news for various reasons. Here are some of the current news stories about her:

  1. Coronavirus Response: Aisha Buhari has been actively involved in the Nigerian government's response to the COVID-19 pandemic. She has visited hospitals, donated personal protective equipment (PPE), and advocated for increased funding for healthcare.
  2. Women's Empowerment: The First Lady has been a strong advocate for women's empowerment and has launched several initiatives to support women's education, economic empowerment, and healthcare.
  3. Anti-Corruption Crusade: Aisha Buhari has been vocal about the need to combat corruption in Nigeria and has called on the government to take decisive action against corrupt officials.
  4. Support for Education: The First Lady has been a strong supporter of education and has launched several initiatives to improve access to quality education for Nigerian children.
  5. Healthcare Reform: Aisha Buhari has been pushing for reforms in Nigeria's healthcare system, including the establishment of a national health insurance scheme and the improvement of healthcare infrastructure.
  6. Humanitarian Efforts: The First Lady has been involved in various humanitarian efforts, including providing aid to internally displaced persons (IDPs) and supporting victims of natural disasters.
  7. International Diplomacy: Aisha Buhari has been involved in international diplomacy, including visits to other countries and participation in international conferences on issues such as women's empowerment and healthcare.

Some recent news stories about Aisha Buhari include:

Please note that these news stories are subject to change and may not be up-to-date.