Bbc tech news

Here are the latest tech news stories from the BBC:

Top Stories

  1. Google's AI-powered chatbot Duplex makes human-like calls: Google has unveiled a new AI-powered chatbot called Duplex, which can make phone calls to book appointments and make reservations, mimicking human conversation.
  2. Facebook's Libra cryptocurrency faces regulatory hurdles: Facebook's plans to launch its own cryptocurrency, Libra, have been met with skepticism from regulators, who are concerned about the potential risks and implications of the digital currency.
  3. Huawei's US ban: What it means for the tech industry: The US ban on Huawei, which prohibits American companies from doing business with the Chinese tech giant, has sent shockwaves through the tech industry, with many companies scrambling to find alternative suppliers.

Tech News

  1. Amazon's Alexa can now recognize and respond to multiple voices: Amazon has updated its Alexa virtual assistant to allow it to recognize and respond to multiple voices, making it easier to use in multi-person households.
  2. Microsoft's Azure cloud platform now supports Kubernetes: Microsoft has announced that its Azure cloud platform now supports Kubernetes, a popular open-source container orchestration system.
  3. Tesla's Autopilot system under scrutiny after fatal crash: Tesla's Autopilot system has come under scrutiny after a fatal crash in California, which has raised questions about the safety and reliability of the company's autonomous driving technology.


  1. New material could revolutionize solar energy storage: Scientists have discovered a new material that could revolutionize the way we store solar energy, making it more efficient and cost-effective.
  2. AI-powered prosthetic arm allows user to feel sensations: Researchers have developed an AI-powered prosthetic arm that allows users to feel sensations, such as touch and pressure, which could have a significant impact on the lives of amputees.
  3. New 3D printing technique creates complex structures: Scientists have developed a new 3D printing technique that allows for the creation of complex structures, such as lattice structures, which could have a range of applications in fields such as medicine and aerospace.


  1. Why AI is not the answer to all our problems: While AI has the potential to solve many of the world's problems, it is not a panacea and should not be relied upon as the sole solution to every issue.
  2. The ethics of AI: A moral imperative: As AI becomes increasingly prevalent in our lives, it is essential that we consider the ethical implications of its development and use.
  3. The future of work: How AI will change the job market: AI is likely to have a significant impact on the job market, with some jobs becoming obsolete and new ones emerging.