Ahmed lawan news

Here are some recent news updates about Ahmed Lawan, the President of the Nigerian Senate:

Latest News

  1. Senate President's Committee on Constitution Review: Ahmed Lawan has set up a 16-member committee to review the 1999 Constitution of Nigeria. The committee is expected to submit its report by the end of June 2023. (Source: Vanguard News)
  2. Nigeria's 2023 Budget: Lawan has assured Nigerians that the 2023 budget will be passed before the end of the year. He also appealed to the Federal Government to increase the allocation to the National Assembly to enable it to carry out its constitutional duties effectively. (Source: Daily Trust)
  3. Senate's Investigation into NDDC: The Senate has launched an investigation into the activities of the Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC). Lawan has directed the Senate Committee on Niger Delta to investigate allegations of corruption and mismanagement of funds by the commission. (Source: The Nation)
  4. Nigeria's Economy: Lawan has expressed concern over the state of Nigeria's economy, citing the high rate of inflation, unemployment, and poverty. He has called on the Federal Government to take urgent steps to address these challenges. (Source: Premium Times)
  5. Senate's Support for Buhari's Re-election: Lawan has expressed the Senate's support for President Muhammadu Buhari's re-election bid in the 2019 presidential election. He has also called on Nigerians to vote for Buhari, citing his achievements in office. (Source: Leadership Newspaper)

Recent Quotes

  1. "We are committed to ensuring that the 2023 budget is passed before the end of the year, and we will work closely with the Executive to achieve this." - Ahmed Lawan (Source: Daily Trust)
  2. "The Senate is not a rubber stamp, we are a co-equal branch of government, and we will not be intimidated or cowed by anyone." - Ahmed Lawan (Source: The Nation)
  3. "We are concerned about the state of our economy, and we will continue to work with the Executive to find solutions to our economic challenges." - Ahmed Lawan (Source: Premium Times)

I hope this information is helpful!