Agbowu sues oluwo demands 100m over assault

It seems like you're referring to a recent news article or incident involving Agbowu and Oluwo. For those who may not be familiar, Agbowu is a prominent figure in Osun State, Nigeria, and Oluwo is the monarch of the Iwo kingdom.

According to reports, Agbowu has filed a lawsuit against Oluwo, demanding the sum of N100 million (approximately $267,000 USD) in damages over alleged assault. The incident reportedly occurred in 2020, and Agbowu claims that Oluwo physically attacked him during a meeting.

The lawsuit is said to be pending in a court in Osun State, and Agbowu is seeking compensation for the physical and emotional trauma he allegedly suffered as a result of the assault. Oluwo has denied the allegations, claiming that Agbowu was the aggressor in the incident.

This development has sparked a lot of interest and debate in Nigeria, with many people taking to social media to express their opinions on the matter. Some have called for Oluwo to be held accountable for his actions, while others have defended him, claiming that Agbowu was the one who provoked the incident.

It's worth noting that the incident has also raised questions about the role of traditional rulers in Nigeria and their accountability to the law. Some have argued that monarchs should be held to a higher standard of behavior, given their positions of authority and influence.

I hope this summary provides some context and insight into the situation. Do you have any specific questions or concerns about the incident?