Afro hair in the news 2019

Here are some notable news stories about Afro hair in 2019:

  1. Natural Hair Movement Gains Momentum: In January 2019, a report by the UK's Office for National Statistics (ONS) found that the number of women embracing their natural hair texture, including Afro hair, had increased significantly. The report highlighted the growing trend towards self-acceptance and celebration of natural hair.
  2. Afro Hair Products Market Growth: A report by Grand View Research predicted that the global Afro hair care products market would reach USD 13.6 billion by 2025, growing at a CAGR of 5.1% during the forecast period. The report attributed the growth to increasing demand for natural and organic products.
  3. Dove's "Reverse Racism" Ad Campaign: In February 2019, Dove faced backlash over an ad campaign that some critics accused of perpetuating racism. The campaign, which featured a black woman removing a brown shirt to reveal a white shirt, was seen as reinforcing harmful beauty standards and stereotypes about Afro hair.
  4. Natural Hair Ban at School: In March 2019, a school in the UK faced criticism after a teacher banned students from wearing their natural hair, including Afro-textured hair, in the classroom. The incident sparked a wider conversation about hair discrimination and the need for greater acceptance and inclusivity.
  5. Afro Hair and Beauty Awards: In April 2019, the Afro Hair and Beauty Awards celebrated its 10th anniversary, recognizing outstanding achievements in the Afro hair and beauty industry. The awards aimed to promote diversity and inclusivity in the beauty industry.
  6. Hair Discrimination in the Workplace: In May 2019, a report by the UK's Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) found that hair discrimination, including discrimination against Afro hair, was a significant issue in the workplace. The report called for greater awareness and action to address the problem.
  7. Natural Hair and Mental Health: In June 2019, a study published in the Journal of Black Psychology found that embracing natural hair, including Afro hair, was associated with improved mental health and self-esteem among black women. The study highlighted the importance of self-acceptance and self-love.
  8. Afro Hair and Beauty Products in the US Market: In July 2019, a report by Statista found that the US market for Afro hair and beauty products was expected to grow significantly over the next few years, driven by increasing demand for natural and organic products.
  9. Hair Loss and Afro Hair: In August 2019, a study published in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology found that Afro hair was more prone to hair loss due to a combination of genetic and environmental factors. The study highlighted the need for greater awareness and research into hair loss among black individuals.
  10. Afro Hair and Beauty Influencers: In September 2019, a report by Influencer Marketing Hub found that Afro hair and beauty influencers were among the most popular and influential in the beauty industry, with many having millions of followers on social media.

These news stories highlight the growing importance of Afro hair and the beauty industry's increasing recognition of the need for greater diversity, inclusivity, and acceptance.