Africa photo festival new york 2019

The Africa Photo Festival New York (APFNY) is an annual photography festival that celebrates the work of African photographers and showcases the diversity and richness of African cultures through photography. Here are some details about the 2019 edition of the festival:

Dates: September 14 - October 13, 2019

Location: Various venues across New York City, including the Brooklyn Museum, the Museum of Contemporary African Diasporan Arts (MoCADA), and the African Bureau of Culture.

Exhibitions: The festival featured over 20 exhibitions showcasing the work of over 50 African photographers. Some of the exhibitions included:

Program: The festival also included a range of programs and events, including:

Participating Photographers: Some of the participating photographers included:

Attendance: The festival attracted over 10,000 visitors from around the world, making it one of the largest and most popular photography festivals in the United States.

Impact: The Africa Photo Festival New York 2019 helped to promote African photography and culture, and provided a platform for African photographers to showcase their work and connect with international audiences. The festival also contributed to the growing recognition of African photography as a significant and vibrant art form.