Politicians offered millions change message sound sultan

It seems like you're trying to say that politicians are offering millions of dollars to change their message, and it sounds like they're trying to be like a sultan. Am I correct?

If so, I'd like to clarify that it's not uncommon for politicians to receive financial support from various sources, including donors, PACs, and even foreign governments. However, it's important to note that this can sometimes lead to conflicts of interest and undermine the integrity of the political process.

Regarding the "sultan" part, I'm assuming you're referring to the idea that politicians are trying to buy influence or loyalty by offering large sums of money. While it's true that some politicians may engage in questionable practices, it's important to remember that the vast majority of politicians are committed to serving the public interest and working towards the betterment of society.

If you have any specific concerns or questions about political finance or ethics, I'd be happy to help address them!