Admin new user registration mail not sending wordpress

A common issue!

If the admin new user registration mail is not sending in WordPress, here are some troubleshooting steps to help you resolve the issue:

  1. Check the WordPress settings:
    • Go to Settings > General and ensure that the "New user default role" is set to a valid role (e.g., "Subscriber" or "Author").
    • Check the "Membership" settings under Settings > General to ensure that the "New user default role" is not set to "None".
  2. Verify the email settings:
    • Go to Settings > General and check the "Email address" and "From name" fields. Ensure that they are correct and valid.
    • Check the "Email format" setting under Settings > General. Ensure that it is set to "Plain text" or "HTML" (depending on your email client preferences).
  3. Check the WordPress mail function:
    • Go to Settings > General and check the "Mail function" setting. Ensure that it is set to "PHP mail" or "Sendmail" (depending on your server configuration).
    • If you're using a third-party mail plugin, ensure that it is configured correctly.
  4. Check the server mail settings:
    • Check your server's mail settings to ensure that they are configured correctly. You can do this by contacting your hosting provider or checking your server's documentation.
    • Ensure that the server's mail settings allow outgoing emails.
  5. Check the WordPress logs:
    • Go to Tools > System Information and check the "Error log" section. Look for any errors related to email sending.
    • Check the "Debug log" section to see if there are any errors or warnings related to email sending.
  6. Disable plugins:
    • Temporarily disable all plugins and check if the issue persists. If the issue is resolved, re-enable plugins one by one to identify the problematic plugin.
  7. Check the WordPress version:
    • Ensure that you're running the latest version of WordPress. Update WordPress if necessary.
  8. Check the theme:
    • Ensure that your theme is not overriding the default WordPress email settings. Check the theme's functions.php file for any email-related code.
  9. Check the plugins:
    • Check if any plugins are interfering with the email sending process. Check the plugins' settings and configurations to ensure that they are not blocking email sending.
  10. Contact your hosting provider:
    • If none of the above steps resolve the issue, contact your hosting provider's support team to check if there are any issues with their mail server or configuration.

By following these steps, you should be able to identify and resolve the issue with the admin new user registration mail not sending in WordPress.