New york university tandon school of engineering

The New York University Tandon School of Engineering is a school of engineering located in Brooklyn, New York City. It is one of the oldest and most prestigious engineering schools in the United States, with a rich history dating back to 1854.

Here are some key facts about the NYU Tandon School of Engineering:

History: The school was founded in 1854 as the United States Military Academy's School of Applied Science, and was later renamed the Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute (BPI) in 1885. In 2014, BPI merged with New York University to become the NYU Tandon School of Engineering.

Academics: The school offers undergraduate and graduate degree programs in a wide range of engineering disciplines, including:

Research: The school is known for its research excellence, with faculty and students working on projects in areas such as:

Facilities: The school has state-of-the-art facilities, including:

Rankings: The NYU Tandon School of Engineering is highly ranked by various organizations, including:

Alumni: The school has a strong network of alumni, with many graduates going on to work at top companies such as Google, Microsoft, IBM, and NASA. Notable alumni include:

Overall, the NYU Tandon School of Engineering is a world-class institution with a rich history, strong research programs, and a talented community of students and faculty.