Addis ababa completes new rail system

That's exciting news! Addis Ababa, the capital city of Ethiopia, has recently completed a new rail system, which is expected to revolutionize the city's transportation infrastructure. Here are some key details about the new rail system:

Name: The new rail system is called the Addis Ababa Light Rail Transit (LRT) system.

Length: The system spans approximately 34 kilometers (21 miles) and has 31 stations.

Route: The LRT system connects various parts of the city, including the city center, major commercial areas, and residential neighborhoods.

Capacity: The system is designed to carry up to 15,000 passengers per hour in each direction.

Trains: The LRT system features 17 trains, each with three cars, and can operate at a frequency of 2-3 minutes during peak hours.

Benefits: The new rail system is expected to reduce traffic congestion, decrease air pollution, and increase the city's economic competitiveness. It will also provide a safe, efficient, and comfortable mode of transportation for citizens and visitors alike.

Cost: The project was funded by the Ethiopian government, with a total cost of approximately $500 million.

Timeline: The construction of the LRT system began in 2012 and was completed in 2020, with a total construction period of around 8 years.

Operator: The Addis Ababa LRT system is operated by the Ethiopian Railways Corporation (ERC).

Future plans: The city plans to expand the LRT system in the future, with plans to add more lines and stations to connect other parts of the city.

This new rail system is a significant milestone for Addis Ababa, and it's expected to have a positive impact on the city's transportation infrastructure and economy.