Latest news on federal road safety recruitment

I'm happy to help! However, I need to clarify that Federal Road Safety Recruitment is a specific program, and I'll provide you with the latest news and updates on it.

Latest News on Federal Road Safety Recruitment:

  1. 2022 Recruitment Exercise: The Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC) has announced the commencement of its 2022 recruitment exercise. The recruitment is open to Nigerian citizens who meet the eligibility criteria. The application portal is expected to be opened soon.
  2. Eligibility Criteria: To be eligible for the FRSC recruitment, applicants must be between 18 and 30 years old, possess a minimum of a Bachelor's degree from a recognized institution, and have a valid National Identity Card.
  3. Available Positions: The FRSC has announced the following positions available for recruitment:
    • Marshal Inspector
    • Assistant Route Commander
    • Route Commander
    • Deputy Corps Commander
    • Corps Commander
  4. Application Process: The application process will be conducted online, and applicants are required to create an account on the FRSC recruitment portal. The portal will be opened soon, and applicants will be required to upload their credentials and complete the application form.
  5. Examination and Interview: Shortlisted candidates will be invited for a written examination and interview. The examination will be conducted in various centers across the country.
  6. Training and Deployment: Successful candidates will undergo a comprehensive training program, after which they will be deployed to various FRSC formations across the country.

Important Dates:

How to Apply:

  1. Visit the FRSC recruitment portal: TBA
  2. Create an account and fill the application form
  3. Upload your credentials (passport, academic certificates, and National Identity Card)
  4. Submit your application
  5. Wait for shortlisting and invitation for the written examination and interview

Please note that the dates and details provided are subject to change, and applicants are advised to check the FRSC website and social media platforms for updates.

I hope this information is helpful!