Adding new to mongoose.schema stackoverflow

A common issue!

When you're trying to add a new field to a Mongoose schema, you might encounter an error like this:

TypeError: Cannot read property 'path' of undefined

This usually happens when you're trying to add a new field to a schema that has already been compiled and used in your application.

Here are a few solutions to resolve this issue:

  1. Use the add() method: You can use the add() method to add a new field to the schema. For example:
    const schema = new mongoose.Schema({
    // existing fields

schema.add({ newField: String });

2. **Use the `update()` method**: You can use the `update()` method to update the schema with the new field. For example:
const schema = new mongoose.Schema({
  // existing fields

schema.update({ newField: String });
  1. Create a new schema: If you're using an existing schema and you want to add a new field, you can create a new schema and then use the extend() method to extend the existing schema. For example:
    const existingSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
    // existing fields

const newSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ newField: String });


4. **Use the `mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId`**: If you're trying to add a new field that is an ObjectId, you need to use the `mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId` type. For example:
const schema = new mongoose.Schema({
  // existing fields
}, { _id: false });

schema.add({ newField: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId });
  1. Check for existing schema: Make sure that you're not trying to add a new field to a schema that has already been compiled and used in your application. If you're using an existing schema, try creating a new schema and then using the extend() method to extend the existing schema.

Remember to always check the Mongoose documentation and the official Mongoose GitHub repository for the latest information on schema management and field addition.