I need new whatsapp

You're looking to switch to a new WhatsApp number or create a new account. Here are some options:

Option 1: Create a new WhatsApp account

  1. Download and install WhatsApp from the App Store (for iOS devices) or Google Play Store (for Android devices).
  2. Open WhatsApp and follow the prompts to create a new account.
  3. Enter your phone number, name, and other required information.
  4. Verify your phone number by receiving a verification code via SMS.
  5. Set up your profile picture, status, and other settings as desired.

Option 2: Port your existing number to a new WhatsApp account

  1. If you have an existing WhatsApp account, you can't directly port your number to a new account. However, you can create a new account and then transfer your chat history and contacts to the new account.
  2. To do this, follow these steps:
    • Create a new WhatsApp account with your new phone number.
    • Go to the "Settings" menu in your new WhatsApp account and select "Chat history and media".
    • Tap "Transfer" and follow the prompts to transfer your chat history and media to the new account.
    • You can also transfer your contacts by going to the "Contacts" menu and selecting "Import/Export contacts".

Option 3: Use a different messaging app

If you're looking for an alternative to WhatsApp, there are many other messaging apps available. Some popular options include:

Each of these apps has its own features and user base, so you may want to explore them to see which one best fits your needs.