Add new site to iis express using appcmd

To add a new site to IIS Express using the appcmd command, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open the Command Prompt as an administrator.
  2. Navigate to the directory where your IIS Express configuration files are located. By default, this is C:\Users\<YourUsername>\Documents\IISExpress\config.
  3. Run the following command to add a new site:
    appcmd add site /"<SiteName>" /physical.path:"<PathToSite>"

    Replace <SiteName> with the name you want to give your new site, and <PathToSite> with the physical path to the directory that contains your site's files.

For example:

appcmd add site /"MyNewSite" /physical.path:"C:\inetpub\wwwroot\MyNewSite"

This will create a new site in IIS Express with the name "MyNewSite" and point to the C:\inetpub\wwwroot\MyNewSite directory.

  1. To configure additional settings for your new site, such as the port number or bindings, you can use the following options:
    • /site.port:<PortNumber>: specifies the port number to use for the site.
    • /site.bindings:"<Binding>": specifies a binding for the site, such as http://localhost:8080.
    • /site.appPool:"<AppPoolName>": specifies the application pool to use for the site.

For example:

appcmd add site /"MyNewSite" /physical.path:"C:\inetpub\wwwroot\MyNewSite" /site.port:8080 /site.bindings:"http://localhost:8080"

This will create a new site in IIS Express with the name "MyNewSite", point to the C:\inetpub\wwwroot\MyNewSite directory, use port 8080, and bind to http://localhost:8080.

  1. To verify that the site has been added, you can run the following command:
    appcmd list site

    This will display a list of all sites in IIS Express, including the new site you just added.

Note: The appcmd command is only available in Windows 7 and later versions. In Windows XP and Vista, you can use the IIS Manager console to add new sites.