New years resolution statistics

Here are some interesting statistics about New Year's resolutions:

Success Rate:

Reasons for Failure:

Most Popular Resolutions:

Timeframe for Success:

Tips for Success:

Interesting Facts:


[1] University of Scranton. (2019). New Year's Resolutions: A Study of Success and Failure.

[2] Strava. (2020). The State of Fitness Resolutions.

[3] Psychology Today. (2019). Why New Year's Resolutions Fail.

[4] YouGov. (2020). Most popular New Year's resolutions.

[5] Harvard Business Review. (2019). The Science of Making New Year's Resolutions Stick.

[6] University of California, Los Angeles. (2019). Goal-Setting and Goal-Attainment.

[7] (2020). New Year's Resolutions.

[8] Merriam-Webster. (2020). Resolution.