Add new currency to pages

To add a new currency to the Pages platform, you'll need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Go to the Currency Settings

  1. Log in to your Pages account and go to the Settings icon () in the top right corner of the page.
  2. Click on Currency from the dropdown menu.

Step 2: Add a New Currency

  1. Click on the Add Currency button at the bottom of the page.
  2. Enter the following information:
    • Currency Code: Enter the three-letter code for the new currency (e.g., "USD" for US Dollar, "EUR" for Euro, etc.).
    • Currency Name: Enter the full name of the currency (e.g., "United States Dollar", "Euro", etc.).
    • Symbol: Enter the symbol for the currency (e.g., "$" for US Dollar, "€" for Euro, etc.).
    • Decimal Places: Enter the number of decimal places for the currency (e.g., 2 for most currencies, 0 for some cryptocurrencies).
  3. Click Add Currency to save the new currency.

Step 3: Configure Currency Settings

  1. After adding the new currency, you'll need to configure some settings:
    • Default Currency: Set the new currency as the default currency for your Pages account.
    • Currency Conversion: Set the conversion rate for the new currency (if applicable).
    • Currency Display: Choose how you want to display the new currency on your Pages (e.g., with a symbol, without a symbol, etc.).

Step 4: Update Your Pages

  1. Once you've added and configured the new currency, you'll need to update your Pages to reflect the change:
    • Go to each page that uses the new currency and update the currency settings accordingly.
    • Make sure to test your Pages to ensure that the new currency is displayed correctly.

That's it! Your new currency should now be added to your Pages platform.