Ad the children of issachar new what to do
A great reference!
In the Bible, the book of 1 Chronicles 12:32 says:
"And of the children of Issachar, which were men that had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do; the heads of them were that had in charge of thousands in Israel."
The phrase "understanding of the times" is often translated as "knowledge of the times" or "wisdom of the times". It refers to the ability to understand the current situation, to know what is happening, and to have insight into the future.
In this context, the children of Issachar were known for their ability to understand the times and to know what Israel ought to do. They were wise and discerning, able to analyze the situation and make informed decisions.
This passage is often used to describe people who are able to understand the times and to know what to do in response to the challenges and opportunities that arise. It is a call to wisdom, discernment, and strategic thinking.
In modern terms, we might say that the children of Issachar were "strategic thinkers" who were able to analyze the situation, understand the trends and patterns, and make informed decisions that would benefit Israel. They were able to "read the room" and know what to do in response to the challenges they faced.
This passage is often used as a model for leaders and decision-makers, encouraging them to seek wisdom, discernment, and strategic thinking in their decision-making processes.