Ad new post not displaying in wordpress newspaper 10.0

A frustrating issue!

If new posts are not displaying in WordPress Newspaper 10.0, here are some troubleshooting steps to help you resolve the issue:

  1. Check the post status: Ensure that the new posts are published and not set to draft or pending review. Go to the Posts > All Posts page and check the post status.
  2. Verify the category and tags: Make sure the new posts are assigned to the correct category and tags. Go to the Posts > All Posts page, hover over the post title, and check the category and tags.
  3. Check the post date: Ensure that the post date is set correctly. Go to the Posts > All Posts page, hover over the post title, and check the post date.
  4. Check the post visibility: Ensure that the post visibility is set to "Public" or "Private" (if you want to restrict access). Go to the Posts > All Posts page, hover over the post title, and check the post visibility.
  5. Check the theme settings: Go to Appearance > Customize > Theme Settings and ensure that the "Show latest posts" option is enabled.
  6. Check the widget settings: Go to Appearance > Widgets and ensure that the "Newspaper Latest Posts" widget is enabled and configured correctly.
  7. Check the plugin settings: If you're using any plugins that affect post display, such as a caching plugin or a SEO plugin, try disabling them temporarily to see if they're causing the issue.
  8. Check the database: Sometimes, database issues can cause posts to not display. Try running a database repair and optimization tool like WP Database Manager or WP Optimize.
  9. Check the theme files: If none of the above steps resolve the issue, try checking the theme files for any errors or conflicts. You can use a plugin like Theme Check or Theme Validator to help identify any issues.
  10. Revert to a previous version: If you've recently updated the theme or plugins, try reverting to a previous version to see if the issue is related to the update.

If none of these steps resolve the issue, please provide more details about your WordPress setup, including the theme version, plugin versions, and any error messages you may be seeing.