How to copy post from google news rss

To copy a post from Google News RSS, you can follow these steps:

Method 1: Using Google News RSS Feed

  1. Go to Google News and search for the topic or news source you're interested in.
  2. Click on the "RSS" button next to the search results.
  3. Copy the RSS feed URL that appears in the address bar.
  4. Open an RSS reader or aggregator (e.g., Feedly, Inoreader, or NewsBlur) and add the RSS feed URL.
  5. Find the post you want to copy and click on it.
  6. The post will be displayed in the RSS reader. You can then copy the text, images, or other content as needed.

Method 2: Using Google News Search

  1. Go to Google News and search for the topic or news source you're interested in.
  2. Click on the "News" tab to view the search results.
  3. Find the post you want to copy and click on it.
  4. The post will be displayed in a new window. You can then copy the text, images, or other content as needed.
  5. Note that some posts may be behind a paywall or require a subscription to access.

Method 3: Using a Browser Extension

  1. Install a browser extension like RSS Subscription Extension (by Google) or News Feed Extension.
  2. Go to Google News and search for the topic or news source you're interested in.
  3. Click on the extension's icon in the browser toolbar.
  4. Select the RSS feed option and copy the feed URL.
  5. Open an RSS reader or aggregator and add the RSS feed URL.
  6. Find the post you want to copy and click on it.
  7. The post will be displayed in the RSS reader. You can then copy the text, images, or other content as needed.

Important Notes