Ace hood and sarkodie new guy

It seems like you're interested in learning more about Ace Hood and Sarkodie's new music!

Ace Hood is an American rapper from Florida, known for his energetic flow and catchy hooks. He's been active in the music industry since the mid-2000s and has released several successful albums and mixtapes.

Sarkodie, on the other hand, is a Ghanaian rapper and entrepreneur who has been making waves in the African music scene for over a decade. He's known for his lyrical prowess and has collaborated with several international artists.

As for their new music, Ace Hood has been relatively quiet in recent years, but he did release a new single called "Rider" in 2020. Sarkodie, on the other hand, has been consistently releasing new music and has collaborated with several artists, including Nigerian rapper, Zlatan Ibile.

If you're interested in checking out their new music, I can recommend some of their recent releases. Let me know if you'd like some specific song recommendations!