Example of firs questionnaire for new tax payers filled

Here's an example of a first questionnaire for new taxpayers:

New Taxpayer Questionnaire

Introduction: Thank you for registering as a new taxpayer with our tax authority. This questionnaire is designed to gather essential information about you and your tax obligations. Please provide accurate and complete information to ensure that your tax affairs are properly recorded and to avoid any potential penalties or fines.

Section 1: Personal Information

  1. Name (as it appears on your identification documents):
  2. Date of Birth:
  3. Contact Information:
    • Address: ___
    • Phone Number: __
    • Email Address: __
  4. Identification Documents:
    • Type of ID: __
    • ID Number: __
    • Issuing Authority: __

Section 2: Tax Obligations

  1. What type of income do you receive? (Select all that apply)
    • Employment income
    • Business income
    • Rental income
    • Investment income
    • Other (please specify): _____
  2. Do you have any outstanding tax debts or liabilities?
    • Yes No
    • If yes, please provide details: ___
  3. Have you ever been a taxpayer before?
    • Yes No
    • If yes, please provide your previous taxpayer ID number: ___

Section 3: Business Information (if applicable)

  1. Business Name: __
  2. Business Type: __
  3. Business Address: __
  4. Business Phone Number: __
  5. Business Email Address: __

Section 4: Additional Information

  1. Do you have any dependents (spouse, children, etc.)?
    • Yes No
    • If yes, please provide their names and dates of birth: ___
  2. Do you have any other sources of income not mentioned above?
    • Yes No
    • If yes, please provide details: _____
  3. Are you a resident of a foreign country?
    • Yes No
    • If yes, please provide your foreign address: ___

Section 5: Declaration

I hereby declare that the information provided in this questionnaire is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that providing false or incomplete information may result in penalties or fines.

Signature: __ Date: ___

Note: This is just an example and the actual questionnaire may vary depending on the tax authority and the specific requirements of the jurisdiction.