Access bank and diamond bank new logo

Here are the new logos for Access Bank and Diamond Bank:

Access Bank

In 2019, Access Bank unveiled a new logo as part of its rebranding efforts. The new logo features a stylized letter "A" made up of two interconnected circles, representing the bank's commitment to unity, inclusivity, and the connection of people and communities.

The new logo is designed to be more modern, dynamic, and adaptable, reflecting the bank's growth and expansion across Africa. The color scheme is a combination of blue and green, which represents trust, stability, and growth.

Diamond Bank

In 2018, Diamond Bank merged with Access Bank, and as a result, Diamond Bank's brand identity was phased out. However, before the merger, Diamond Bank had introduced a new logo in 2017, which featured a stylized diamond shape with a bold and modern design.

The new logo was designed to reflect the bank's commitment to innovation, excellence, and customer-centricity. The diamond shape was meant to symbolize the bank's strength, resilience, and ability to shine bright in the financial services industry.

Unfortunately, since Diamond Bank is no longer an independent entity, its brand identity, including its logo, is no longer in use.