Noise news

Here are some recent noise-related news stories:

  1. Noise pollution linked to increased risk of dementia: A study published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives found that exposure to noise pollution was associated with a higher risk of dementia. The study analyzed data from over 50,000 adults in the UK and found that those who lived in areas with higher levels of noise pollution were more likely to develop dementia. (Source: The Guardian)
  2. New York City to implement noise reduction measures: The New York City Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) has announced plans to reduce noise pollution in the city by implementing new measures, including installing noise barriers and reducing the number of noisy construction projects. The city aims to reduce noise levels by 3 decibels by 2025. (Source: Gothamist)
  3. Noise from wind turbines can affect nearby residents: A study published in the Journal of the Acoustical Society of America found that noise from wind turbines can affect the sleep and quality of life of nearby residents. The study analyzed data from over 1,000 residents living near wind farms in the UK and found that those who lived closer to the turbines were more likely to experience sleep disturbances and other negative effects. (Source: Science Daily)
  4. Air traffic noise linked to increased risk of heart disease: A study published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives found that exposure to air traffic noise was associated with an increased risk of heart disease. The study analyzed data from over 50,000 adults in the UK and found that those who lived in areas with higher levels of air traffic noise were more likely to develop heart disease. (Source: The Lancet)
  5. Noise from construction can affect mental health: A study published in the Journal of Environmental Psychology found that noise from construction can affect mental health, particularly in children. The study analyzed data from over 1,000 children in the UK and found that those who were exposed to higher levels of construction noise were more likely to experience anxiety and depression. (Source: Science Daily)

These are just a few examples of recent noise-related news stories. Noise pollution is a growing concern globally, and it's important to raise awareness about its effects on our health and well-being.