Abuja new locomotive trail

You're referring to the Abuja-Kaduna Railway, also known as the Nigerian Railway Modernization Project. Here's an update on the project:

Background: The Abuja-Kaduna Railway is a 186 km standard-gauge railway line that connects the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Abuja, to Kaduna State in northern Nigeria. The project is part of the Nigerian government's efforts to revamp the country's railway system, which was previously neglected.

Project Details: The project was awarded to China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation (CCECC) in 2017, with a contract value of approximately $1.2 billion. The project involves the construction of a new railway line, including:

  1. 186 km of standard-gauge railway track
  2. 12 railway stations, including Abuja and Kaduna terminals
  3. A locomotive maintenance depot in Kaduna
  4. Signaling and telecommunications systems
  5. Electrification of the railway line

Locomotive Trail: The project includes the procurement of new locomotives to operate on the railway line. The locomotives are designed to be more efficient, reliable, and environmentally friendly than the older ones. The new locomotives are expected to reduce fuel consumption and emissions, making the railway a more sustainable mode of transportation.

Progress: The project has made significant progress since its inception. The railway line is currently under construction, with the track laying and signaling works almost complete. The project is expected to be completed in 2023, with commercial operations expected to commence shortly after.

Benefits: The Abuja-Kaduna Railway project is expected to bring numerous benefits to Nigeria, including:

  1. Improved transportation infrastructure
  2. Reduced travel time between Abuja and Kaduna (currently around 3-4 hours by road)
  3. Increased economic activity and trade
  4. Job creation and employment opportunities
  5. Reduced congestion on the roads

Overall, the Abuja-Kaduna Railway project is a significant investment in Nigeria's transportation infrastructure, and its completion is expected to have a positive impact on the country's economy and development.