Abu senior staff union pulls out of national strike #

It seems like you're referring to a news article or update about a labor dispute in Abuja, Nigeria. Here's a possible summary:

The Senior Staff Union of the Abuja National Hospital has reportedly pulled out of the national strike called by the Joint Health Sector Unions (JOHESU). The strike, which was scheduled to commence on Monday, aimed to press for demands such as improved working conditions, better pay, and increased funding for the healthcare sector.

The Senior Staff Union of the Abuja National Hospital, which represents senior medical professionals, has decided not to participate in the strike, citing concerns about the potential impact on patient care and the hospital's operations. The union's decision may affect the overall success of the strike, as the Abuja National Hospital is one of the largest and most prominent healthcare facilities in the country.

It's worth noting that the strike is still ongoing, and other healthcare unions and workers may continue to participate in the strike despite the Abuja National Hospital's decision to opt out. The situation is being closely monitored, and further updates will likely be provided as the strike continues.