Create new wallet

I'd be happy to help you create a new wallet!

To create a new wallet, I'll need to know a few details from you. Please provide the following information:

  1. Wallet type: Do you want to create a:
    • Bitcoin (BTC) wallet
    • Ethereum (ETH) wallet
    • Litecoin (LTC) wallet
    • Other (please specify)
  2. Wallet name: Choose a unique name for your wallet (e.g., "My Bitcoin Wallet")
  3. Wallet password: Set a strong password for your wallet (at least 12 characters long, including uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters)
  4. Wallet recovery phrase: You'll need to store a 12-word recovery phrase (also known as a seed phrase) to recover your wallet in case you lose access to it. Please note that you should store this phrase in a safe and secure location.

Once I have this information, I can help you create a new wallet.

Please respond with the following format:

Wallet type: [insert type] Wallet name: [insert name] Wallet password: [insert password] Wallet recovery phrase: [insert recovery phrase]

Example: Wallet type: Bitcoin (BTC) Wallet name: My Bitcoin Wallet Wallet password: MyStrongPassword123! Wallet recovery phrase: great lake elephant orange basket

Let me know when you're ready!