Abu ghraib scandel the new york times

The Abu Ghraib scandal, also known as the Abu Ghraib torture and prisoner abuse, was a major human rights abuse scandal that occurred in 2003-2004 at Abu Ghraib prison in Baghdad, Iraq. The scandal was widely reported in The New York Times and other major news outlets.

Here are some key articles and reports published by The New York Times on the Abu Ghraib scandal:

  1. "Abuse of Iraqi Prisoners by G.I.'s Detailed" (May 1, 2004) - This article reported on the discovery of photographs showing American soldiers abusing Iraqi prisoners at Abu Ghraib.
  2. "Abu Ghraib Prisoners Describe Abuse" (May 2, 2004) - This article quoted Iraqi prisoners who described the abuse they suffered at the hands of American soldiers.
  3. "Abuse at Abu Ghraib Was Widespread, Report Says" (May 5, 2004) - This article reported on a Pentagon investigation that found widespread abuse and torture at Abu Ghraib.
  4. "Abu Ghraib Abuse Was Approved, General Says" (May 7, 2004) - This article reported on testimony from a general who said that the abuse at Abu Ghraib was approved by higher-ranking officials.
  5. "Abu Ghraib Scandal: A Timeline" (May 9, 2004) - This article provided a timeline of the events leading up to the scandal and its aftermath.
  6. "Abu Ghraib Abuse Was 'Systemic,' Report Says" (July 15, 2004) - This article reported on a Senate report that found that the abuse at Abu Ghraib was part of a broader pattern of abuse and torture in Iraq.
  7. "Abu Ghraib Prisoner Abuse Was 'Widespread and Systematic,' Report Says" (November 20, 2004) - This article reported on a report by the International Committee of the Red Cross that found widespread and systematic abuse at Abu Ghraib.

These articles and reports provide a detailed account of the Abu Ghraib scandal and its aftermath. They also highlight the widespread outrage and condemnation of the abuse, as well as the efforts to hold those responsible accountable.

Some notable quotes from The New York Times articles on the Abu Ghraib scandal include:

These quotes reflect the widespread outrage and condemnation of the abuse, as well as the recognition that the scandal was a symptom of a broader problem with the US military's treatment of prisoners in Iraq.