Absu new school site

You're referring to the new school website for ABSU (Adamawa State University)!

Here's the latest information I could find:

Adamawa State University (ABSU) New School Website:

The new website for Adamawa State University (ABSU) is www.absu.edu.ng.


  1. Easy Navigation: The website has a user-friendly interface, making it easy to navigate and find the information you need.
  2. News and Updates: The website features a news section where you can find updates on university events, announcements, and achievements.
  3. Academic Programs: The website provides information on the various academic programs offered by the university, including undergraduate and postgraduate programs.
  4. Admission Requirements: You can find information on admission requirements, including eligibility criteria, application procedures, and deadlines.
  5. Student Resources: The website offers resources for students, including academic support services, student life, and campus facilities.
  6. Staff Directory: You can find a directory of university staff, including faculty members, administrators, and support staff.
  7. Contact Us: The website provides contact information, including phone numbers, email addresses, and physical addresses for various departments and offices.


  1. Bookmark the website for easy access to important information.
  2. Check the website regularly for updates on university events and announcements.
  3. Use the search function to find specific information on the website.