Dethronement this is democracy not a military regime kwankwaso

It seems like you're referencing a quote from a politician, Kwankwaso, who is likely criticizing the idea of a military takeover or a non-democratic government. Here's a breakdown of the quote:

"Dethronement" is a metaphorical term that means the removal or overthrow of a ruler or a government. In this context, Kwankwaso is likely saying that the idea of a military regime or a non-democratic government is unacceptable and should be rejected.

The phrase "this is democracy, not a military regime" emphasizes the importance of democratic principles and institutions. Kwankwaso is emphasizing that democracy is a system of government that is based on the will of the people, where power is held by elected representatives, and where the rule of law is upheld.

By saying "kwankwaso", you're likely referencing the Nigerian politician, Rabiu Kwankwaso, who has been a vocal critic of military rule and has advocated for democratic governance in Nigeria.

Overall, the quote is a call to action, urging people to reject any attempts to undermine democratic institutions and to uphold the principles of democracy.