Absolute new york eye artiste

You're referring to the iconic Absolute New York Eye Artist!

The Absolute New York Eye Artist is a popular street artist known for his vibrant, colorful, and often surreal murals that can be found throughout New York City. His real name is not publicly known, and he prefers to maintain his anonymity.

The artist's work is characterized by its bold use of color, intricate details, and often whimsical themes. His murals often feature fantastical creatures, abstract shapes, and geometric patterns, which blend seamlessly with the urban landscape.

Some of his most notable works can be found in the Lower East Side, Chinatown, and Williamsburg, Brooklyn. His murals have become a staple of the city's street art scene, and many have been preserved and protected by local authorities.

The Absolute New York Eye Artist's work has also gained international recognition, with his murals being featured in various publications, exhibitions, and social media platforms.

If you're interested in exploring more of his work, I recommend taking a stroll through the streets of New York City and keeping an eye out for his vibrant murals!