Diistance new jersey airport to new york

The distance from Newark Liberty International Airport (EWR) in New Jersey to New York City depends on the specific location in NYC. Here are the approximate distances from EWR to some popular locations in NYC:

There are several ways to get from EWR to NYC, including:

  1. Taxi: 30-40 minute ride, depending on traffic, with a flat rate of $60-$70 (plus tolls and tip)
  2. Uber/Lyft: 30-40 minute ride, depending on traffic, with prices varying depending on the time of day and traffic conditions
  3. Public Transportation: Take the AirTrain Newark from the airport to Penn Station in Manhattan, then transfer to the subway (1, 2, 3, or R trains) or a bus (e.g. M60 to Harlem or M15 to the Upper East Side). The total travel time is around 45-60 minutes.
  4. Shuttle Bus: Several shuttle bus services operate from EWR to various locations in NYC, including Manhattan and Brooklyn. The travel time is around 30-60 minutes, depending on traffic.
  5. Car Rental and Drive: Rent a car from the airport and drive to NYC. The travel time is around 30-60 minutes, depending on traffic, and parking fees apply.

Please note that traffic in NYC can be heavy, especially during rush hour, so plan your trip accordingly and allow for extra time to reach your destination.