About sahara news

Sahara News is a Nigerian online news platform that provides news, analysis, and commentary on current events, politics, business, sports, and entertainment. Here are some key facts about Sahara News:

  1. Founding: Sahara News was founded in 2006 by Omoyele Sowore, a Nigerian journalist and activist.
  2. Mission: The platform's mission is to provide unbiased and independent news coverage, as well as to promote free speech and press freedom in Nigeria and Africa.
  3. Content: Sahara News covers a wide range of topics, including politics, business, sports, entertainment, and lifestyle. It also features opinion pieces, analysis, and investigative reports.
  4. Target audience: The platform's target audience is primarily Nigerians and Africans, but it also attracts international readers interested in African news and issues.
  5. Language: Sahara News is available in English, with some articles also translated into Hausa, Yoruba, and Igbo, Nigeria's major ethnic languages.
  6. Partnerships: Sahara News has partnered with other media organizations, including the BBC, Al Jazeera, and the Guardian, to provide in-depth coverage of African news and issues.
  7. Awards: The platform has won several awards, including the 2011 African Investigative Journalism Award and the 2013 Nigerian Media Merit Award.
  8. Controversies: Sahara News has faced criticism and controversy over the years, including allegations of bias and sensationalism. In 2019, the platform was banned by the Nigerian government for allegedly promoting hate speech and inciting violence.
  9. Online presence: Sahara News has a strong online presence, with over 1 million followers on social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.
  10. Impact: Sahara News has had a significant impact on the Nigerian and African media landscape, providing a platform for independent and investigative journalism, as well as promoting free speech and press freedom.

Overall, Sahara News is a prominent online news platform in Nigeria and Africa, known for its in-depth coverage of current events, politics, and social issues.