Abena serwaa ophelia join hands with ceccy twum and efe on her latest single wonfa mmano

I'm not aware of any information about Abena Serwaa Ophelia releasing a single called "Wonfa Mmano" featuring Ceccy Twum and Efe. It's possible that the song has not been officially released or announced yet, or that the information is not publicly available.

However, I can suggest some ways you could try to find more information about the song. You could try searching for the song title on music streaming platforms or online music stores to see if it's available. You could also try searching for news articles or social media posts about the song or the artists involved.

Additionally, you could try reaching out to the artists or their management teams directly to ask about the song. They may be able to provide you with more information or confirm whether the song is real or not.

It's also worth noting that it's possible that the song may not be a real song, and that the information you have may be incorrect or outdated. If you're unsure about the accuracy of the information, it's always a good idea to fact-check and verify the information before sharing it with others.